The Early Intervention program focuses on using play and positive reinforcement as a building block to teaching the child how to learn. Play is essential to a child’s development. It is an all-encompassing activity that helps to develop critical skills such as social, intellectual, emotional and physical abilities. For children with disabilities, these skills are crucial to their development.
Our Approach – Applied Behavior Analysis
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a systematic approach to teaching small, measurable units of behavior ranging from relatively simple responses like making eye contact to advanced responses like spontaneous communication and social interaction. Skills are broken down into small steps and taught systematically through one-on-one instruction and positive reinforcement from teachers trained by the Lovaas Institute for Early Intervention (LIFE).
A unique component of the program is parent involvement. Parents are considered the most essential part of the child’s educational team and are trained to work alongside the child’s therapists and to implement programs in the home. The intervention program is based on extensive clinical experience and more than 40 years of scientific research that yields the best educational results for children with autism.